Wednesday 13 December 2017

Then group the blocks of Scripture and write a sentence to summarise the group of blocks

Look for connecting words and themes. Difficult verses that pretty much always have a corresponding verse that says the same thing in a simpler way. Is there a principle on display? Is there a matter of wisdom to be considered? Is there an idea I had never considered or truly taken to heart before?

I do admit I went about asking her out the complete wrong way.
(11 December 2017)

I asked a girl out a few weeks ago and she said maybe, and she clearly meant no.
(11 December 2017)

Should I intervene or remain neutral if one of my best friends and his worst enemy were to get in a fight?
(11 December 2017)

Me and my other best friend have urged both sides to stop provoking each other and resolve their problems peacefully, but it's doubtful either side is going to listen to us.
(11 December 2017)

Both him and is worst enemy have been going at it lately, mocking, ranting on and threatening each other with physical action.
(11 December 2017)

I see him once a week and he always sits near me, stares, and initiates convo.
(11 December 2017)

I have to open the building we practice in.
(11 December 2017)

But every week she is always the last one there anyway.
(11 December 2017)

I get the information from one of my actors.
(11 December 2017)

I forgot to mention that she plans practices and doesn't tell me.
(11 December 2017)

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