Sunday 19 February 2017

I make resolutions that make me want to plow forward into the new year

Just not the ones that normal people do. Resolutions should give you hope about the future, not dread. My resolution is to put good into the world. There is this very nice retirement home down the street from my house. Not just for the residents, but for the staff.

She's extremely pretty and we have the same class tomorrow.
(19 February 2017)

This girl at school keeps giving quick glances at me.
(19 February 2017)

Since I did not get out of my car and was only gone for 10 minutes I drove barefoot and did not bring my shoes.
(19 February 2017)

Why do girls get mad when I smack their butts?
(19 February 2017)

I mean, if a girl walked up & squished my penis you won't see me complaining, as long as she's gentle.
(19 February 2017)

They make a huge deal out of nothing.
(19 February 2017)

Or when I gently massage their breasts?
(19 February 2017)

My friend and I both like the same guy but I think he may like me?
(19 February 2017)

It's good and bad; good that we might like each other, but bad in the sense that I know I'd crush my friend's heart of either of us made any moves.
(19 February 2017)

I have a hunch he may like me, and if I'm correct, I honestly have no idea what to do.
(19 February 2017)

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