Tuesday 29 November 2016

Does your candidate accept a status quo that keeps people in poverty?

This Election Day, you have the power to move our nation towards doing right by people in poverty. Does your candidate conflate poverty and race, in a manner that stereotypes people of color as poor and urban? Or do they embrace policies that work? Or does s/he have a plan to make quality child care affordable for all families?

But ignore the fact of our age when answering this. when we're older he wants to get married and have kids, but i really don't like kids and i especially wouldn't not want to be pregnant.
(28 November 2016)

My boyfriend and i are still in high school, and we feel as though we'll have an actual future together.
(28 November 2016)

I have been neasuous, my stomach has felt full constantly.
(28 November 2016)

I started my period but its super light, black and clumpy.
(28 November 2016)

I started birth control but had unprotected sex after 4 days.
(28 November 2016)

Been spotting brown blood?
(28 November 2016)

I took two pregnancy test and both came out negative and I am anemic . I have no pains just regular cramping which started today in my pelvic area . What could this be ?
(28 November 2016)

It s been ten days and I m still spotting sometimes it s light pink to a bright red to a dark brown it s smells like normal period smell.
(28 November 2016)

It stopped for a day but I was spotting.
(28 November 2016)

After a week being off I started my period again it was heavy at first then bright red blood.
(28 November 2016)

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