Tuesday 29 November 2016

So please do check them out and register for free

May it be digital or not, as long as it is wonderfully made, it totally gets my attention. And ever since I've learned to design my own banners and logos, I've been a big fan of fonts. These fonts give a big impact, importance, and identity to each design that was made.

We had so much fun and hooked up and he sent me hearts that night and the next morning told me he couldn t wait to see me.
(28 November 2016)

Then a week later he asked me to go out.
(28 November 2016)

So this guy and I had been talking, we finally hung out and then he stopped talking to me.
(28 November 2016)

How do I become Social?
(28 November 2016)

I honestly want to be able to be social, funny, and charming.
(28 November 2016)

I've only kissed women when we were both drunk and they were the ones that came on to me.
(28 November 2016)

In fact i've only dated one girl and that didn't last a full month.
(28 November 2016)

Plus, I am nervous about getting a girlfriend since I have never fully had a serious relationship.
(28 November 2016)

I don't know how to meet people, and I have social anxiety so it's hard for me to just walk up to people and start talking and when I can, carrying the conversation is hard and i get nervous that i look desperate.
(28 November 2016)

I have some frineds right now but I want to be able to meet many new people.
(28 November 2016)

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