Sunday 27 November 2016

The people inside continued to mingle until about 8 pm. when someone opened the door to leave

It was a Sunday, just after services. But this time, he started disturbing patrons. The stairwell had become something of a chimney flue that stunk of lighter fluid. Buddy Rasmussen, who worked at the bar, knew of a fire exit and got about 25 people out. Others tried to slip through the second-floor windows.

Not just about him but about my parents because he doesn't plan to move out anytime soon and doesn't pitch in for rent or food because he uses it on music supplies.
(27 November 2016)

He's still not there yet and I am getting worried.
(27 November 2016)

Gonna move out of parents house in 2017, after getting my AA and before transferring schools.
(27 November 2016)

I'm in college in my early 20's and work a part time internship.
(27 November 2016)

How do I get over feeling so sad at the holidays this year because of my grandmother being gone?
(27 November 2016)

Thanksgiving Day I was sad all mourning and didn't think I still would be.
(27 November 2016)

So how do I get over feeling so sad at Christmas Time?
(27 November 2016)

She was the last of the grandparents to go and all have died in the last 10 years.
(27 November 2016)

All the grandparents have died, most recently my grandmother in 2014. This will be the 3rd Christmas without her and I still haven't gotten used to it but everyone else has and doesn't want to talk about it.
(27 November 2016)

It used to be everyone on both sides.
(27 November 2016)

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