Monday 28 November 2016

The first one is called if the initial image loads successfully

As the name of this small module suggests, it allows us to show a fallback image in a situation when the real image is missing. The second one is called if the initial image load fails. I can imagine plenty of situations when we are unsure that the image will exist.

When I have gone to meet her, my face was still in this frustration of exams and all.
(28 November 2016)

I got frustrated with my life and I kept thinking and thinking that my career is not going to be well.
(28 November 2016)

This is because I am an average student and couldn't score more than this.
(28 November 2016)

Now, I got an average score in GRE and TOEFL.
(28 November 2016)

Still, I skipped my classes and went to meet her, because I didn't want to say no to her.
(28 November 2016)

As I am in the last year of my college graduation, I was planning on giving my GRE and TOEFL and got busy in that.
(28 November 2016)

Then she graduated from the college and still we were in touch.We met almost everyday.
(28 November 2016)

I skipped my classes and meets with my friends to be with her.
(28 November 2016)

Whenever she calls me to meet me, I never hesitated to go even though it was just for an hour or so.
(28 November 2016)

I am a kind of a guy that would do anything for my love and anything means anything.
(28 November 2016)

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