Saturday 15 April 2017

He ran on to the through ball and toed it under the keeper to find the net

On e beautiful night at the RSC, the Blues did enough to see off a game Wexford, without hitting top gear. In reality, they have not really done so yet this season and the fans are still waiting to see the best from this new squad. Mark O'Sullivan hit his first two competitive goals for the Blues, one in each half.

I told her I hope everything's going to be ok and that we need to stay positive but I'm so scared for her.
(14 April 2017)

Her baby isn't due for another 5 months and she's texting and calling me but I just don't know what to say.
(14 April 2017)

My friend is in the hospital right now because her water broke.
(14 April 2017)

Can you have sex with me please?
(14 April 2017)

John, can you please come back and take me home (where you live)?
(14 April 2017)

I need se'x and better food than this.
(14 April 2017)

Please babe, don't leave me here anymore.
(14 April 2017)

I need to start leaving this room, and making love, and just making good memories with you.
(14 April 2017)

It's OK to come back now, and I need you.
(14 April 2017)

Why is it when she knows I'm mad at her.?
(14 April 2017)

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