Sunday 9 April 2017

You should have 2 to 3 tablespoons of roasted garlic

Drizzle with the 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Allow to cool, then squeeze the garlic pulp out of the skins and set aside. Rinse the diced potatoes to wash off some of the starch. Add the potatoes, the cauliflower, roasted garlic pulp, and 7 cups (1.65 l) of the vegetable broth.

I just don't like kissing and getting all touchy-feely.
(9 April 2017)

Guys what message do you want to give to a girl when you like her Facebook pictures?
(9 April 2017)

So when you like a girl's picture, what's the main reason you do it?
(9 April 2017)

There's a guy that has been liking my photos and I wish I knew what's going on through his mind.
(9 April 2017)

What usually goes through your mind when you do that?
(9 April 2017)

Does it mean you find her attractive, are you trying to let her know you like her, or it means something else to you?
(9 April 2017)

I'm really curious to know what guys are trying to say when they like a girl's selfie on Facebook.
(9 April 2017)

Also my mom goes and sees a lady who tells what's going on in her life but I'm scared she might tell about me and her.
(9 April 2017)

If she were to find out I think she'd be pissed because she's over my house and my mom thinks we're just friends.
(9 April 2017)

Her mom thinks she knows but we deny it and I deny it to my mom too.
(9 April 2017)

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