Monday 29 August 2016

Brown seasoned meat on all sides for 6-8 minutes total

Stir in half-and-half and fresh herbs. The roast will be covered up to half its thickness. When pressure cooker reaches high pressure,reduce heat to low. Set timer to cook for 30 minutes. Transfer cooked pork roast to cutting board. Cover loosely with aluminum foil.

Can emotional manipulators ever have something true in their friendship?
(29 August 2016)

I mean, I told her a lot of my own secrets, too.
(29 August 2016)

I broke up with her and I see her everyday at college, and I was wondering how do I protect myself from her or if I should worry about her.
(29 August 2016)

I mean, she was great as a friend, and shared a lot of life stories with me, but whenever she feels like she's not getting as much attention from me as she wishes, she manipulates.
(29 August 2016)

I've been friends with a real emotional manipulator, but I was wondering if anything in our friendship could've ever been real, or was she using me to pass her time?
(29 August 2016)

Why girls have low sexual drive?
(29 August 2016)

I mean girls want sex only once per week but boys wants it daily and even twice a day.
(29 August 2016)

In Virginia, can I bequeath my separate property (my home) to someone other than my husband?
(29 August 2016)

However, I want to specify that if I die before we have any children, half or more of the house will go to my mother.
(29 August 2016)

Now, if we have children I will be okay with it.
(29 August 2016)

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