Monday 29 August 2016

Most have already dipped their toes in the water with EA Access

Please consider disabling your ad-block. In but a few short weekswe will be firing up TMFL Madden 17 CFM. With that, The Hurricane Hitlist rises like the mythical Phoenix. For the returning players, glad to see y'all back. For those no longer with, who cares?

What do long static stares from a guy mean even after he knows you See him staring and speak to him?
(28 August 2016)

He's staring right at you and probably not zoning out since he was attentive when you said hi to him.
(28 August 2016)

Why are Serbs so tall?
(28 August 2016)

It's hard for me to date non Serbs because I'm 6'1 and I only like men much taller than me 6'4 is good.
(28 August 2016)

I am in love with my best friend (we're both girls)?
(28 August 2016)

I want advise on how I can handle the slight heartbreak how seeing her and never acting on it and eventually seeing her date someone and maybe move on.
(28 August 2016)

Im not looking for advise on how to confess to her, because I don't plan to risk losing her, as she is the most important person to me and I would break if she was gone.
(28 August 2016)

However, I am nearly positive she doesn't like me in that way (she's a grey-ace biromantic so that isnt the issue). I don't want to lose her friendship, ever.
(28 August 2016)

We've been best friends for 7 years now and we both have admitted to caring about the other more than any individual.
(28 August 2016)

Im demiromantic so Ive always had extreme difficulty with that but I recently decided that yes, I am in love with her, I dont merely love her.
(28 August 2016)

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