Sunday 28 August 2016

In this blog she shares thoughts on the experience

It all started when we went to Ecuador last year. I was the interviewer, and it was so inspiring that we went back this year. This time we were there for three months, working with the gang members, helping them in their peace advocacy efforts. They are working on forming a cultural association to help them reach more people.

Do you think it's possible to truly love two people?
(27 August 2016)

Can a wife love her husband and another man?
(27 August 2016)

Can a man love his wife and another woman?
(27 August 2016)

But I'm curious to know if it's possible to TRULY love two people.
(27 August 2016)

This is a tricky question, and perhaps just a matter of opinion question.
(27 August 2016)

How can I tell if a guy is into me?
(27 August 2016)

I've been out of the dating game for awhile so this is like a start over for me.
(27 August 2016)

What should I say giving him my number so I don't look like a thot lol.
(27 August 2016)

If he has a girlfriend will it make things awkward?
(27 August 2016)

Question is should I and how can I make a move?
(27 August 2016)

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