Tuesday 27 September 2016

Just seems like we are in opposite decade. thank you

The Pope Francis said in the homily of the Mass celebrated this morning in Santa Marta House, commenting on the Letter of St. Divisions make you see this part, this one against the other. There is no oil of unity, the balsam of unity. And this happens here, in the city of Corinth, to the Corinthians.

I'm a 13 year old girl. my brothers 27. My brother is the type of person who takes everything seriously, and is very sensitive I'm sick and tired of it because he takes everything to far.
(26 September 2016)

Is there a way to get clomid without going to the dr? Are there any meds to take to help ovulation without having to see a dr?
(26 September 2016)

I already have 2 kids and he has 3 so at one point we were bith able to conceive but now nothing is happening.
(26 September 2016)

I have no signs of ovulation...no ew cm...no pain....and i just have this feeling i am the reason i cant get pregnant.
(26 September 2016)

We time our baby dance to estimated ovulation but im not sure im even ovulating.
(26 September 2016)

I have been trying to get pregnant for 7 months with no luck.
(26 September 2016)

What would she feel after giving birth?
(26 September 2016)

How would her body feel, both due to the birth and the blood loss, what kind of pain would she experience down there, any other areas which would be painful?
(26 September 2016)

She has been unconscious for the past hour or so due to excessive blood loss and has just p awoken with a blood transfusion in process.
(26 September 2016)

My character, who didn't know she was pregnant, has just given birth.
(26 September 2016)

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