Sunday 25 December 2016

So there it is clearly said that Guru is the manifestation of God

And when I came to that vision, I saw the person. At that time I didn't know who (it) was. Maybe one year or something like this. So it is confirmed in the shastra. Prabhupada: There is no question of subtle plane. Devotees worked in kirtan shifts and my feeling was that every day felt like Janmastami.

Why is it not a very smart thing to do to for married couples to NOT practice birth control?
(24 December 2016)

They're all telling me that it's completely irresponsible to just let the kids come when they come without any kind of family planning.
(24 December 2016)

Whenever I talk to my other friends about my traditionalist Catholic friends beliefs, they all say to me that it's not a very smart thing to do to NOT practice birth control.
(24 December 2016)

They believe that God will always provide and never fails those who do his will.
(24 December 2016)

They have to unite their will with God's will.
(24 December 2016)

In other words, they have to be open to however many children God sends them.
(24 December 2016)

Therefore, to do anything to purposefully prevent a pregnancy is mortally sinful.
(24 December 2016)

One of their beliefs is that the primary purpose of marriage is procreation.
(24 December 2016)

They identify themselves as traditionalist Catholics who practice the Catholic religion the old traditional way before all the modern changes from the Second Vatican Council in the 1960's.
(24 December 2016)

I personally know of a Catholic couple who recently got married.
(24 December 2016)

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