Sunday 25 December 2016

The townsfolk started abandoning the city and after them the militia as well started leaving

After 15 days, on August 15, 1480, the Ottomans broke through the defenses and captured the city. Women and older children were sold into Albanian slavery and men over fifteen years, small children and infants were killed. Including victims from the Salentine peninsula, a total of 12,000 were killed and 5,000 were made slaves.

And when that same girl who flirted with me asked me to dance, my friend asked if she might dance with me first, which she did.
(24 December 2016)

They did, and as we all were talking, my friend put her hand on my leg.
(24 December 2016)

When we went back to our booth, the girl, and asked if her and her friend who's also a girl, asked if they could join us.
(24 December 2016)

During the conversation she started flirting with me, and my friend came on over and put her arm around me, and put her other arm on my stomach.
(24 December 2016)

Anyway, while there we got talking to the people there, and this young girl, about my age, came up to me and we started talking.
(24 December 2016)

I've always been into music, and fact I play guitar in a band, and we play in local bars, and she and always comes to our shows and takes pictures of us.
(24 December 2016)

My friend has got quite a set of pipes on her, and she gives me the confidence to get up there and sing myself.
(24 December 2016)

Anyway, we were at this bar singing Kareoke.
(24 December 2016)

I'm about to turn 26, and I am a guy, in case anyone is wondering.
(24 December 2016)

My friend is 45 years old, and her and I have known each other since I was 5 yrs old.
(24 December 2016)

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