Monday 31 October 2016

A harsh word or dismissive action can be incredibly painful in the moment

So, how do you let it go when that happens? An unflattering remark can feel like a punch in the gut. Okay, so some time has passed and the pain still lingers on. Now is the time to ask some questions. A healthy one exhibits decisiveness, practicality, organization, and insight.

Only problem is the age difference and he happens to have a son who is 9 months old from a past relationship.
(30 October 2016)

We have been talking and he seems to be interested as well.
(30 October 2016)

I'm a 16 year old girl and interested in a 19 year old guy.
(30 October 2016)

Why is this boy so confusing?
(30 October 2016)

Can ugly girls get guys too?
(30 October 2016)

In concludion, my question is that even as ugly as I am will a funny, decent guy ever be interested and stay interested?
(30 October 2016)

I don't want to change my appearence or body; honestly I'm just too lazy and believe it's unnecessary to change it if my future man would accept me as I am.
(30 October 2016)

I have my fair share of male friends, but it's clear that my 'fun personality' can only ever meet up to the standards of a friend.
(30 October 2016)

It's sad because honestly my only real requirement is that my partner is a funny, decent dude,but in the minds of men is it different?
(30 October 2016)

If all I have is a bit of personality would he get bored of me?
(30 October 2016)

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