Monday 31 October 2016

Many of those surveyed continue to educate themselves in various ways

For one, 90% of those who responded report being satisfied in their current position. Job titles varied among those surveyed, allowing insight to be provided from a range of perspectives. Despite the high level of job satisfaction, work environment concerns were voiced.

She didn't understand I couldn't be the person she wanted me to be, which was someone who could take care of my dad.
(30 October 2016)

I lived with my aunt but I had to move out because my aunt had too high of an expectation that I could not meet.
(30 October 2016)

When I get things done it's never enough or it goes unnoticed.
(30 October 2016)

She forgets that I go to school and I'm trying to keep up with my college classes.
(30 October 2016)

My mom blames me for not doing enough at home.
(30 October 2016)

I feel like I'm not at a good environment anymore.
(30 October 2016)

My sister barely comes home because she's always at her boyfriend's place.
(30 October 2016)

My older brother quit his job, dropped out of school to dedicated his time to video games.
(30 October 2016)

My mom has one job and so does my sister.
(30 October 2016)

I'm seventeen and I go to school, including the college classes I'm taking.
(30 October 2016)

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